This blog is a record of my journey. Many years ago, I dreamt of going to graduate school and earning my PhD and working in a lab advancing technology and pushing science to its limits. A lot has happened since then. It’s been nearly ten years since I’ve last done a derivation or taken a derivative. A very long time since I’ve sat in a classroom, or done an experiment. However, I want to go back and try again. I’ve got a plan.
The Plan!#
Over the next two years, I’m not only going to begin getting recommendations and transcripts and emailing professors and all that. I’m going to work on practice problems and get back to where I was at the end of my senior year of my undergraduate studies. This means getting through a lot of work! I’m going to get caught up in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. I want to go on to work on quantum computing or novel inorganic nanomaterials.
The Blog!#
So I’m going to use this blog to keep a record. To keep myself on track. And to maybe build an online community and support group for people like myself who wish to go to grad school and build our math and science strengths together. I’m also going to do more than the blog, though.
The videos!#
I’m going to do 50-ish minute recordings of me going over the meat and potatoes of many different subjects, and maybe even some at home labs! These videos topics can be found below, and I will come back here and check them off as the series begins/ends.
- Calculus [ ]
- Linear Algebra [ ]
- Engineering Math [ ]
- Intro Physics [ ]
- Classical Mechanics [ ]
- Electrodynamics [ ]
- Thermodynamics [ ]
- Quantum Mechanics [ ]
- Intro Chemistry [ ]
- Organic Chemistry [ ]
- Medicinal Chemistry [ ]
- Inorganic Chemistry [ ]
- Physical Chemistry [ ]
The livestreams!#
I’m going to supplement the videos with livestreams. During the live streams I’ll work on the practice problems I assigned myself during the videos. During the livestreams I will also chat with the community and maybe even take problems or suggestions from the audience. It’s basically like office hours or something.
The discord!#
To help build and foster a community, I’ll also be running a discord server.
The patreon!#
If you wanna help out, think about donating! I’ll have a buy me a coffee for one-time donations, as well as a patreon for anyone who wants to support this blog long-term!
This blog is a record of my journey. Wish me luck!